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Safe Easter travels with RSP SA

With South African remaining under level one lockdown for the start of the holidays and possibly Easter as well, drivers can expect the roads to be busy this year. The Road Safety Partnership SA (RSP SA) is encouraging drivers who will be travelling to holiday destinations during this time to exercise caution and patience when on the roads.

The RSP says drivers must take responsibility for their own driving behaviours and commit to doing their part in creating safer roads.

“The first step is to make a personal commitment to obey the road regulations and driving in a manner that suits the conditions and reduces the possibility of accidents occurring.

On a road trip (PHOTOS: MotorPress)

“If each driver makes this commitment the potential to reduce the number of crashes and consequently unnecessary loss of life, injuries and the expenses associated with accidents can be avoided. As South Africa continues to manage the effects of COVID-19, it is also important that no unnecessary strain is placed on the healthcare system either.”

In addition to making a personal commitment to good driving habits, government, private organisations and not-for-profit organisations must work together during this time to assist in reducing high crash statistics in South Africa. “The RSP SA is pleased with their recent growth in membership and the consequent potential to affect the greater change that this will allow for.

“Consequently, the RSP SA is growing its presence in the road safety arena by engaging in a cross-section of activities. The organisation looks forward to the future and all that can be achieved when various sectors as well as individual drivers acknowledge the importance of road safety initiatives and advocates. A perceptible difference will be seen with this commitment to road safety.”

The RSP SA wishes all those who will be on the road during the school holidays and over the coming Easter weekend safe travels. “May each driver experience incident-free driving and enjoy a well-deserved break,” says the RSP SA.


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